Creative Saas

The payments platform
built for growth

Explore Kotona's online payment services and make a difference
in your customers' service experiences.
We are proud to contribute to our clients’ success.

What can Kotona do for you?

Get the facts on the origins, benefits, and future of the cloud-based software delivery model.

We are acutely aware that simply believing in something is a great first step on your path to taking your idea to the next level.

Design thinking Process is meant to
achieve the best designing experience.
Data analytics is key to driving
informed business decision-making.

Kotona works for everyone


Product design is the process of creating
a product from beginning to end.


Design thinking Process is meant to
achieve the best designing experience.

Content strategists

We bring a customer focus to
developing new products and services.

Data analytics

Data analytics is key to driving
informed business decision-making.

Data Security

Is the process of protecting corporate
data through unauthorized access.

High Availability

Means avoiding a single point of failure in
each and every component of the system.


Kotona integrates with the tools
your team is already using

Explore Kotona's online payment services and make a difference in your customers' service


Check What’s Our
Pricing We Offer!

Save more
with Kotona

Choose a plan that works best for you
and your team.



The perfect way to get started and get
used to our tools.

*Limited offer, save 20% for annual plan


The perfect way to get started and get
used to our tools.

*Limited offer, save 20% for annual plan
INnovative Features
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We turn organic ideas into
seamless digital experience

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